Thursday, March 4, 2010

Getting Life Organized

(Title inspired from my friends comment a few posts back)

Me being as ADD as I am, I actually have to plan and organize things that most people wouldn't even need to think twice about. But, having realized this about myself, I have taken quite a few steps this semester to help get me more organized. I borrowed a book about ways to organize life for people with ADD. Apparently, the normal techniques for normal people don't work for us. Makes sense, I have been trying them my whole life and they don't stick! My first step was schedules. I have developed a LOT of schedules. I have a laundry schedule (which reminds me, I need to get today's laundry started), I have a cleaning schedule, I have a menu, I even have a menu planning schedule, I have a piano playing schedule, and I have an eating schedule.

My cleaning schedule splits the important weekly cleaning chores into different days of the week, so it only takes about 15 minutes, 3 or 4 days a week It took a week or so to get this started. Actually, this really only started last night. I was behind on my cleaning, so I had to get everything all the way clean once before I could get started…

And here is an example of how my ADD mind works! Believe it or not, mid sentence up there, I decided I should write and ADD blog. I just did a quick web search and didn't find much, and nothing that was helpful for me at all. I know what you're thinking, this will just take more time and I already have a hard time getting done what I need to. Well, as you can see I spend *so much* time on this blog…extremely sarcastic just then, if you didn't pick up on that. I will see how it goes. Back to your regularly scheduled blog reading…

Where was I? Oh, yes. Cleaning. Last night, I was having focus issues. Could not bring myself to sit down and do homework like I really needed to. I was extremely tired, which didn't help. I decided I was going to be productive anyway. So, I put my homework away and I dusted, vacuumed, swept, and mopped instead! I was still tired when I finished, of course, but it felt good to get something productive done. This got me on track for my cleaning schedule. Now I can keep up with the schedule each week and I won't get overwhelmed.

Side story! After cleaning last night, it was time to cook dinner. I had planned dinner in my head earlier that day, salmon, wild rice, and herbed broccoli. I should know by now, especially when I'm tired, things never go exactly as I want them to. After spending a couple hours cleaning, I poured rice into a measuring cup. Can you see where this is going? Of course, the rice went all over the floor. I had just swept! If you have never had this happen, rice bounces everywhere when you spill it. So, I swept again. Thought about using it since I did just clean, then decided against it. I don't clean that thoroughly.

Ok, this is getting really long. I apologize. I'll summarize the rest. I have been sticking to my laundry schedule, and my menu fairly well. This helps me spend less time thinking about what to wear in the morning and what to cook in the evening. Also, I have leftovers to take to school with me for lunch. Uh, I kinda thought there was something else, but I can't remember now. Oh well! Thanks for reading all the way through this way too long post!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new posts. Especially the motorcycle v. class post! And I love that you're posting more often than I'm reading. I miss you, womah!
