Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I bought a Pandora account. For those of you that don't know, Pandora is an internet radio thing. You create stations by starting with a seed song or artist, then Pandora picks other songs it thinks you will like based on the seed song. You can give these songs a thumbs up or thumbs down. Thumbs up means they guessed right, and they will continue to pick more songs like that. Similarly, thumbs down means you don’t' like that song and it won't play it anymore. A free Pandora account offers 40 hours of free listening each month. Apparently, I listen to more than that because I run out every month, with at least a week and a half left. So, today when I ran out, my study buddies suggested I buy an account. It is $36 a year, so $3 a month, a cheap price to pay for unlimited music. Especially since, it was pointed out to me by these same study buddies, that I heavily rely on Pandora to concentrate while doing homework. A very good point. So, $3 a month for at least 75% better concentration while doing homework is definitely a small price to pay.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ok, Now it Hurts

My face hurts just a little and my feelings hurt just a little.

My face hurts because I am clumsy. I was opening a door today to leave a study room. I didn't have much room behind me so I was standing close to the door. When I opened it, and started to walk through it, I literally did that. I tried to walk through the door, not the opening. The door opened about 5 inches then bumped into my foot. I had forward momentum going and my face decided to make heavy contact with the corner of the door. I have a nice little bump next to my eye. It hurts when I smile, and when I blink, and when I look to the right, and just about everything else that might involve muscles of the face. Then again, it is my own fault.

My feelings hurt because I think it is finally sinking in that this guy I am so interested in is not interested in me. I am no longer happy just having him as a friend. I think that is because I don't really have him as a friend anymore. He doesn't want to hang out with me alone because he is too tempted to do things he shouldn't since we are not dating. I suppose this is a good thing, then we won't get ourselves into trouble.

So, I am alone again. Well, I was alone before, but I didn't feel as alone as I do now. I know what you'll say, someday I'll meet the right guy and it will all work out. Or, maybe it's not God's plan for me to get married. If that's the case, He needs to stop bringing such great guys into my life. Either way, nothing I can do about it right now, life goes on, I'm too busy with school anyway, there are other fish in the sea, and so on and so forth.

Back to Linear Algebra...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eat, Sleep, Pray, Study, Climb

I spent part of the day yesterday organizing my life. It was long needed. I didn’t' get a lot of homework done, but I figured out my new approach for the climbing club, finally caught up on dishes, planned my meals for the next two weeks, went grocery shopping an started thinking about my schedule for other stuff. Like laundry. I think I am going to go back to a laundry schedule. See, I have all these ideas, I implement them for about a week, then I decide I don’t' really need them, and I fudge them here and there, and I just stop completely. But, If I have the schedule in place then I will stick to it for the most part, and if I deviate once in a while, it's ok. I also sat down and really thought about what is important in life.

I know it seems silly, but I wrote down 5 words of things I neglect that I really really shouldn't. Eat, Sleep, Pray, Study, Climb. They seems so basic, yet they often get skipped or put off, as an college student would agree with. They are in the order that I forget them too. I most often put off eating and sleeping so they are first. I made signs, just simple ones with a sharpie on printer paper. One word per page, nice and big, and I hung them on the wall. That way I will see them and remember to do them. Hopefully it will help me remember to take lunch to school with me, get my homework done early so I c an get enough sleep and what not. So far, it's been working. I made it to bed relatively early the last couple of nights, and I'm not too far behind where I want to be on homework. The signs area also reminders when I get off track to guide my focus back to what I should be doing.

On a side note, I took third place in the women's beginner category at the climbing competition at Eastern Washington this past Saturday. Our team took 4 places overall. We go to Oregon State University in Corvalis in a few weeks and I hope I do better there. Also, I will get to see Becky!

On another a side note, I have finally decided that since "the guy" is so determined that we can't hang out, I should really stop bugging him about it. I guess whether he says he does like me or not, either way he doesn't want to hang out much. I should take that as he doesn't like me as much as I would have liked. So, I'll leave him be.