Monday, April 19, 2010

Paleolithic Diet: Day 0

My mom sent me a link to a diet called the Caveman Diet. After some research, I found it is also called the Paleolithic Diet and I like this better. Caveman Diet is a more popular thing that takes the participant through a series of phases, each 2 to 4 weeks long and I don't really like what they suggest. In a nutshell, the Paleolithic Diet is based on what humans ate during the Paleolithic time. It mainly consists of what you can hunt and gather and not have to cook to eat. By this I mean, meat, chicken and fish are all acceptable and should be cooked, but grains and potatoes cannot be eaten without first cooking them because they contain toxins that prevent absorption of nutrients and other thing we need.

Here is what I can eat on this diet:
Meat, chicken, fish
Vegetables, especially root veggies such as carrots, turnips, and parsnips (but not potatoes…these are not a vegetable)
Brazil nuts
Macadamia nuts

Here is what I can not eat on this diet:
String beans
Kidney beans
Snow peas

If you notice, the list of what not to eat is much longer that the list of what you can eat. Now, you may be wondering a few things, as I was, such as what about calcium if I can't eat dairy and what about fiber if I can't eat grains? Well, the answer is in the vegetables. Fortunately, this is a great time of year to start this because we are just getting into veggie season. I still have a little research to do, but I know there are a lot of veggies rich is fiber and calcium, and all the other vitamins and nutrient essential to our survival.

Also, I read that a little over half (about 56 to 65%) of my calorie intake should be from animal and about 36 to 45% should be from plant. Strangely enough these both add up to 101%, so I'm not sure how I'm going to do that, haha.

So, welcome to my journey. I am going to keep a log of what I eat in a day, how I feel and how this is all going. I will warn you, this may be very boring for the next couple of weeks but I will try to include some other more interesting aspects of my life as well.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I am very busy this week. I meant to post over the weekend, but forgot. Right now, my tummy hurts a lot and I don't know why. I didn't eat any wheat lately. I have a baked potato with bbq'd pork cheese, and sour cream for dinner. Oh well.

I have a lot of school stuff going on this week. A test on Friday and one next Monday, a big homework assignment in another class due Friday, and lots of work. Anyway, I'll try to post an update over the weekend. I actually have some big news I really want to share!